How to be Powerful Beyond Measure

I think you’re great. What do you think?
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
Marianne Williamson
Every time I prepare to start a new round of In Your Element or REVIVE, I think about the people who are signing up. I know there is something in them that feels less than what they want it to be. It kills me: you think something is missing, but the only thing that is lacking is how you see yourself.
Sometimes, the women who sign up aren't entirely ready for the amount of personal power they are about to discover.
There is a post I made on Instagram a while back that had just two words: Level Up. On the surface, a simple post with a simple idea - here is your invitation to do better.
But there's more to it.
I believe everyone is perfect and amazing as they are in this very moment. When I meet you for the first time, I believe I am meeting the best version of you there is. Still, we can all level up. We can all do better, we can all tap into our power beyond measure.
You can do better. I know you can, we all can. It starts with defining what "better" means to you. What are the steps, however small, you can start taking toward the dreams, aspirations, and goals you promised to yourself. “Better” is sometimes just knowing that every one of us is in a perpetual state of growing and changing whether we want it or not - so why not aim for a positive change?
Here’s what I believe at my core: I am here to encourage everyone to level up and meet their dreams. I believe I am here to give people an opportunity to face their fears and not hold back from their true power and potential.
I am here to ask you to look beyond your bullshit and show me something real.
I’m here because while I love you just as you are, we both know you have what it takes to level up and be better. Thinking about it can be overwhelming; the trick is to do it a little at a time. Even the smallest improvement can bring drastic changes if you make that change consistently.
Level up your diet, and you’ll feel it in the gym. Focus on your sleep for a week and you’ll feel your energy level up. Add another moment of meditation in your day and you focusing on work feels easier. This is the power beyond measure. Results you can’t measure, but you can certainly feel.
I love working with everyone who enrolls in In Your Element or REVIVE. Over several weeks I can already see the light turn on. Watching their changes over the next several months only inspires me to do more, do better.
It starts with the small change.
When you level up your health, your most authentic self gets clarity.
When your health is a priority you level up mentally, emotionally, financially, energetically, and even spiritually.
Regular exercise and consistent nutrition are the essential foundations to leveling up your life. Restful sleep brings you mental clarity. Exercise releases the endorphins that help support your emotions. A balanced diet supports your hormone levels. Discipline in the kitchen and gym leads to discipline in the wallet - and your finances level up because you have self-control. I incorporate yoga in my programs and my life because I can feel how it realigns my spirit.
Level. Up.
Our deepest power is hidden by our deepest fears. The process isn’t easy. It might even be a little scary. But it is absolutely rewarding.
Take the step, get to the next level. I’ll meet you there.