It’s The Real Thing, Baby.

Hey. You are perfect just as you are. Who am I to say anything otherwise?

And you may agree with me. Good for you. And then, you will buy into another course, diet, makeup tutorial, fitness product, or some other self improvement.

I would rather go out of business than try to sell you something you don’t need. I would rather die than have you waste time and money on something that isn’t going to work.

This is why I’m only selling the real thing. It’s real. In Your Element is real. Our growing online community is real. The methods are real, the results are real. And this is one of the hardest things in the world to sell people on.

We shouldn’t have to work so hard to sell people on the idea that this is real and this works.

But I get it. We are all (myself included) inundated with advertising. All day, every day, and twice on Fridays. Every single thing you come across is probably an ad or something. This post you’re reading? Advertising - I’m trying to sell you something. 

I’m trying to sell you on the real thing, which isn’t something we should have to do. But here we are.

You likely discovered me or Elemental or any of our coaches through social media. We put a lot of time into Instagram and TikTok and Facebook - not because we necessarily want to, but because that’s where YOU are. You also likely find our posts right next to hundreds of thousands of other accounts who are all sharing the idea of health. They look and sound like me, which is how I know:

  • They all have something to sell.

  • Their entire business model leans on a post going viral.

  • Every one of them wants more followers. Always more.

  • We’re all beholden to the great big algorithm!

It’s a numbers game, which is why it all feels so weird. Your average business owner on social media would be over the moon if they converted 1% of their followers into real, regular paying customers

Here’s the thing about Elemental - most of our clients don’t necessarily come from social media. More than ever, people are discovering us through Word of Mouth referrals. Their friends and family know us, know what we do, and know that it works.

They know that it is the real deal.

If you’re ready to embrace what you really need, we’re ready for you.