Look at you, the great big failure!

The biggest hangup people have about Lift To Get Lean isn’t about the price or effectiveness of the program. If someone stops short of signing up, they’re afraid of one thing: FAILURE.

More specifically, they’re afraid of failing again. I can’t tell you how many people have come to me over the years after a “six-week shred” left them, well, not shredded. Or how they gained back all the weight they thought they lost for good or fell back into eating Oreos by the sleeve. 

Sure, failure happened. The six-week-shred-crash-diet program you signed on for failed you. They sold you something designed to fail so you would sign up and buy it all over again.

Let me make this easy for you: you’re going to fail.  Isn’t that wonderful? 

Life is going to get busy your workouts are going to fall off and you can’t resist your aunt’s lasagna and your kid brought home a cold from school and now everyone has it and…you get the picture. You know, life. Life is a series of failures. I fail all of the time. It’s no accident my podcast is called Far From Perfect.

The trick is to own the failure and keep going. The trick is in knowing that each time you start again you’re smarter, wiser, and your intentions are a bit sharper than they were before. 

You’re going to fail. But not every failure is your fault. This idea is at the core of Lift To Get Lean. We assess why you failed in the past and then design a support structure against it. How can we make your experience sustainable? Do you have the support you need? When the program is over, how do you exit the routines?

Everything we do at The Elemental Coaching and REVIVE gives you room for “mistakes.” These programs are designed to work with the pace of life. They’re designed for real people who have real lives and real goals - we designed this for you.

It’s not about consistency or perfection. This is about perseverance. Come fail with us, come succeed with us, come see why Lift to Get Lean and REVIVE are the last nutrition and fitness programs you will ever need.