You’re Out Of Control

Feeling like you’re out of control? Read this: 

You’ve never had control.

Today, right now, reading this, you still don’t have anything close to “control.” 

That thing they say about “control your cravings” when it comes to food? Surprise, it’s bullshit.

Food doesn’t have control over you, but that doesn’t seem to stop most people from giving food power over them.

A cupcake on the party buffet has no power over you. Even with a dense pile of frosting on top of it, it doesn’t have the gravitational pull to yank you in.

A bag of tortilla chips does not care if you eat it.

A carton of ice cream isn’t making you do 20 push-ups with every scoop you eat.

Yet, we let it have this kind of power over us. And I say “we” because my DMs and email is PACKED with stories of women who “just can’t resist” or feel they “have no control” when it comes to food.

It’s like that saying: you can’t control what happens, you can only control your reaction to it. The only power food has is whatever you give it. Why not keep that power for yourself?

Because I’ve seen it happen too often. “I can’t eat that,” turns into “I can’t do this.” Can’t never could, never will, and all of your power goes out the window. 

“I can’t eat that” is fear. We fear what we don’t understand, and here you are - fearing food. Making choices from a place of fear isn’t really a choice. Your life becomes one of avoidance and scarcity. When you run away from something, you’ll run forever. But when you run TOWARD something, you’ll get there before you know it.

So run towards it. Let it bring you joy, be abundant, be HAPPY. Yes, even when it comes to food. 

Learning HOW to eat is just as, if not more, important than knowing what to eat. You already know how to avoid food, most of you have been doing it all of your life and it’s still not working. But if you learn the value of food (ALL food), the macronutrient breakdown, and how food supports your body (because all food doesn’t just turn into dead-weight fat instantly), the fear starts to vanish.

You “can’t resist” the cupcakes and tortilla chips and ice cream because your body is hungry. If your body needs 2000 calories a day to just exist, it doesn’t care how it gets it. But if you can prepare it with 2000 calories from meals balanced with the three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fats, the “can’t resist” kinda…vanishes. 

Your body, and mind, does just fine with “enough.” Once you know what your body needs in a day, you are satisfied. Satisfaction brings joy, abundance, happiness

Everyone I work with, whether it is in one-on-one coaching or through In Your Element, tracks their macros. And it’s not because I like torturing people with math (because there isn’t any) or because I get a kickback from MyFitnessPal (I don’t), it’s because it is the easiest way to see what portions look like and where your protein is coming from.

When you track your food and put numbers to it, you start to separate your emotions from what you’re eating. I’m not a therapist, but I have seen HUNDREDS of women feel empowered, not frightened, by food. It’s not a matter of control but how you react to what you can’t control.

Because you can eat that. I promise. Tracking macros isn’t about taking away what you think you want, it’s about giving you back what you want to enjoy in life.